
1st PenPals

Page history last edited by Linda McDonald 14 years, 3 months ago




A great way to bring students together

to share mutually beneficial, instructional activities


Click here to register for this project


Scroll to the bottom of the page for current partnership matches. 


Letter Expectations


Each class will write a collaborative letter a minimum of 1 letter per month, beginning with October, to the partner class group using email or snail-mail.  The letter can be created using Kidspiration, Microsoft Word, or email and sent electronically, or can be created on chart paper and sent via Snail-Mail.


Video Conference Expectations

Each participating class will participate in at least 3 video conferences.


Connections can be 20 min. – 1 hour based on your schedule and attention span of your students. 


  1. Monster Match (mid-late October)
  2. Possibly Turkey Trade (mid-late November)
  3. Shared holiday story (2 weeks before holiday break)
  4. Read across the planet (1st week in March)
  5. Maybe a math activity (early Feb. and/or early May)



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