
Shared Lessons

Page history last edited by Amy 15 years ago



Shared Lessons


target instructional needs such as holiday themes, science topics, or poetry.  These sessions are often introductory but provide a great avenue to model technology integration and high level questioning.






Holiday Storytelling Extravaganza


The Holiday Storytelling Extravaganza  is a group effort between Katy ISD, Alief ISD and other school districts.  Teachers, students, administrators, etc. read holiday themed books to students with questions and answers at the end.



Read Around the Planet


Read Around the Planet connects PK-12 classes with partner classes around the globe.  This idea originated from the celebrations of Dr. Seuss' birthday in early March.  It has grown to over 1000 participating classes in 2010.



Science Safety Exchange 


In this project students shared definitions and explanations of science safety rules with others students across the district.  Partner classes then guessed what each rule was. Here are some documents you may find useful in organizing this project:  Science Safety Rubric.doc, Science Safety Lesson Plans.doc, Science Safety Advertisement.doc, Science Safety Rules.doc



If You Take a Mouse to the Movies


Join us for a cross-curriculuar interactive presentation with the popular children's book "If You Take a Mouse to the Movies" by Laura Numberoff.  Students will listen to the story and participate in activities deigned to reinforce math and language arts for K through 2nd grade.  This free conference is scheduled on demand on a first come, first served basis. site and movie.



Meet The Animals


For the third year, FFA students at KPark High School would like to videoconference with your students and introduce them to the animals they have raised for the Livestock Show. They will talk about the different kinds of animals, what they feed them, how they care for them, etc.  movie and overview.


100th Day of School


The 100th Day of school is just around the corner on February 2!! Join us for a free 30 minute 100th Day Game Show! We will bring together four Kinder, 1st, or 2nd grade classes from Humble ISD to match wits with some 100th Day questions and activity challenges. site and movie













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