Navigating Curriculum via Video Conference
snippets of three sample video conference formats:
LITERATURE STUDY sessions have been written around specific books such as Hatchet by Gary Paulsen and Number the Stars by Lois Lowry; OR themes such as survival, Civil War or WWII. The Literature Study format includes an introductory session and a culminating session. The introductory session prepares students for a quality reading experience through connections with background information, poetry, nonfiction resources, and predictions.
The objective of the SHARED LESSONS is to target instructional needs such as holiday themes, science topics, or poetry. These sessions are often introductory but provide a great avenue to model technology integration and high level questioning.
CHALLENGES focus on content reading and research skills by requiring text proof to defend responses. This format has been successful for 2nd graders focusing on national landmarks, 4th graders studying Texas history, and 5th graders studying American history.
These formats can easily be modified to meet specific curriculum needs and instructional levels. Genuine student engagement is a primary ingredient of each format.
8:00-8:10 - Intro.
8:10-8:30 Literature - Linda (I need to get classes) - Heather Hogan BDJH - adver in CAP space
8:30-8:35 Q&A and idea sharing
8:35-8:55 Shared Lessons - Amy & Angela - Holiday Storytelling (video clips)
8:55-9:00 Q&A and idea sharing
9:00-9:20 - Landmark Challenge (between 2 locations)
9:20 - 9:30 wrap up
backchannel? - presenters only
partners for The Outsiders?
handout - full page - agenda, title, abstract, contact
technical connectivity?
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